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Plant Health: Aloe Vera

With so many products out there on the market today, it’s important to know that you are getting what you pay for. You want to look for Aloe Vera which is organically grown, cold processed and hand filleted and the activity level of the gel is certified to be in the highest percentile required to provide your body with all the nutrients it needs to heal itself. When the Aloe Vera is hand filleted, it removes the aloin, which kills cellular reproduction, this cannot be accomplished when using the whole leaf and processing it through rollers. For thousands of years people have been using inner leaf Aloe Vera externally for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Aloe Vera contains high concentrations of saccharides and taken from the fresh Aloe Vera plant, saccharides are a potent building block in the body’s immune system defence. What could Aloe Vera do for you?

Maureen Glowasky

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