Community News
Posture Makes Perfect!

Our posture during a variety of activities of daily living can contribute to neck and upper back pain. Whether we are at a computer desk, driving, or sitting in front of the television, our posture can deteriorate if we aren’t trying to help it. Being aware of your posture can also help prevent pain from happening in the first place. Certain muscles will weaken while being strained, and others will tighten up as they stay in a shortened position. The right combination of exercises and stretches can help promote proper posture, and ultimately decrease pain and injury. Stretches to help loosen your pectorals and sternocleidomastoid muscles are extremely beneficial. These help keep the chest open, and head up. You should then try a row exercise to help strengthen the rhomboids, and reinforce the shoulders to stay back, and for the back to stay upright.

Heath Vermette, CAT(C),

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