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Prolozone for Whiplash

Whiplash syndrome describes a traumatic event of the neck, secondary to abrupt flexion and extension of the neck. The most common causes are due to motor vehicle accidents and sports injuries. Whiplash can cause damage to various parts of the neck including ligaments, facet joints, cervical vertebrae, cervical disc, nerves, and muscles. It is one of the most common causes of pain in the general population. The usual imaging, such as x-rays, CT, or MRI is unlikely to show evidence of injury, giving little insight into what is responsible for ongoing pain. Whiplash symptoms can include: Neck pain, muscle tightness, decreased range of movement, headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, fatigue, inability to focus. A relatively unknown but effective treatment for cervical spinal pain is Prolozone. Prolozone therapy works by addressing the cause of pain: ligament, tendon, and joint instability. Prolozone involves the injection of ozone to regenerate the ligaments and cartilage tissue in the areas that have become weak.

Dr. Ross Ralph Dr.TCM, R.Ac., DOMP,

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