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Proper Hydration is Key

Most of us strive to live a healthier lifestyle. Finding the right place to start is a challenge. Eating right, exercising regularly, and still making time for family, friends and our own needs can seem like overwhelming goals. Instead of attempting to conquer our health all at once, what if you started by setting more manageable goals? Making small changes today can lead to great health benefits down the road. One simple change would be to drink more water. We don’t function at full capacity when we’re dehydrated. Men are recommended to get 13 cups of water per day, and for women the recommendation is 9 cups per day. There are many ways to make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids. Food provides about 20% of water intake and many fruits and vegetables are more than 90% water. Monitor your fluid intake and you’ll be functioning better in no time.

Sandy Lefley, Juice Plus+

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