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Qigong for ADD/ADHD

Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are seen as neurological conditions that affect attention, self-control and executive functioning (what helps us get things done).

The symptoms below can be seen in very young children and can last well into adulthood and you may not have all of them depending on whether you are predominantly ADD, ADHD or a combination of both.  Please remember this is not a complete list. It only serves to give you an idea of how ADD/ADHD expresses itself.  A proper diagnosis from a medical professional is key in moving forward.  If you suspect you or your child has ADD or ADHD, make sure you get this as many of the ‘symptoms’ can often be indicative of something else.


  • Typically running late or losing track of time
  • Often misplacing keys, glasses, books, etc
  • Feeling overwhelmed by to-do lists
  • Difficulty focusing in conversations and on tasks
  • Forgetting dates and tasks


  • Inability to finish tasks, projects
  • Emotional outbursts
  • Constant fidgeting
  • Extremely talkative
  • Impulsive spending, decisions

Once you are sure, there is a lot you can do to manage these conditions.  ADD/ADHD expresses itself differently with each and every person so the treatment plan is different as well but typically may include medication, exercise, nutrition, cognitive brain therapy (brain exercises) and mindfulness & meditation.  That’s where Qigong comes in!

Qigong is a moving meditation which is much easier for those with ADHD and a restless body and the visualizations and sounds help to keep bright, creative minds engaged.  At the same time, it is a very grounding practice giving deep relaxation to the overactive brain.  The moving and transforming of your body’s energy (qi) promotes better focus, calmness and peace of mind as well as helping to balance all internal organs, including the brain!

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