Community News
Reducing Elderly Falls

Inappropriate footwear can increase an elderly person’s chance of a fall. Many people purchase the wrong footwear because they want to help their aging parent by finding something that is easy to put on, and they think that softer is better. Not true. As we age, our motor and sensory skills decline. Our loss of proprioception skills (one’s ability to sense where our limbs are in space) makes us feel less sure of our footing and therefore less balanced. Loose-fitting, soft-soled footwear does not provide appropriate signals to the feet to inform them of where they are in relation to the ground. Properly fitting, sturdy shoes with non-skid soles provide more direct contact between the ground and the foot, sending sharper signals to the brain. Choosing lace-up or velcro closure shoes instead of slip-ons ensures the best stabilization of the foot within the shoe. B.D. Mitchell Prosthetics & Orthotics,

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