Community News
Reducing Stress with Access Consciousness BARS

With the growing number of people experiencing stress and anxiety, it may be time to start investigating other healing modalities. As the Bars gain popularity, more and more people are looking for tools that work to create the changes they are asking for. Access BARS does that with ease and speed. Whether it’s sports performance, test anxiety, or daily stress, people have reported amazing changes in their life when they add Access BARS. The BARS is gentle and non-evasive and focuses on 32 points on the head which, when gently touched, trigger an electro-magnetic release of both physical and mental blockages. Each point on the head relates to an area of your life such as money, control, creativity, healing, sexuality, healing and communication. It works on the physical, mental, and emotional — on every level, and helps people to get rid of stress, sleep better, focus, and function with ease.

Wendy Omilanow

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