Community News
Reiki and Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are affecting more and more people in today’s stress-filled world.  They can be debilitating on many levels to the person experiencing them.  Although there are medical treatments available to help, many find that they are not completely effective and some, in the case of medications, have side effects.

A panic attack usually happens when a person is suddenly overwhelmed by an uncontrollable sense of fear or dread.  Some of the symptoms that accompany an attack include breathing problems, ‘racing or pounding’ heart, sweating, chills, nausea, uncontrollable trembling, weakness and dizziness.  It leaves the person with a sense of no control and anxiety about when another attack will occur.  This begins to affect their life as they begin to avoid social or work situations that may ‘trigger’ an attack.

It is thought that many conditions of the body can be a result of an imbalance in a person’s energy.  This imbalance may be caused by stress, illness, trauma, injury or thoughts, beliefs and emotions.  The spiritual energy that is Reiki restores the balance in a person’s energy field bringing about, in this case, a reduction in the number and/or intensity of the panic attacks as well as more calm to the body & mind and an increased sense of trust in life.

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