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Rethink Your Drink

Just because it isn’t soda, doesn’t mean it’s not packed full of sugar! The following are drinks commonly considered to be healthy options but really aren’t: 1. Fruit Juice – If you’re trying to cut your sugar intake, stay far away! 1 cup of fruit punch, for example, can have up to 38 grams of sugar!! Try adding pieces of fruit into your water for a subtle flavor, such as lemon or berries. 2. Energy Drinks – Even though they usually don’t contain a ton of calories, an 8-ounce serving can run you more than 25 grams of sugar—and no, they aren’t healthy just because they’re fortified with B vitamins. If you need a boost, stick to coffee with a natural sweetener. 3. Tonic Water – If you think a “gin and tonic” is a healthy option, you’ve been misguided. Twelve ounces of tonic water adds a whopping 32 grams of sugar to your glass (that’s eight teaspoons). Try soda water instead!

Dr. Tom Swanlund,

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