Community News
Risk of Metabolic Syndrome

Current and historical research point toward obesity as a major factor in a long list of diseases and painful conditions. Fortunately, the issue is now balanced by programs that have emerged, such as the Ideal Protein Protocol. This protocol is designed to provide major assistance to those wishing to lose weight and to increase the body’s ability to lose fat. It does so without causing the loss of muscle mass. The “secret” would seem to lie in the fact that the protocol provides each participant with tools and resources for weight loss, education, and maintenance that are easy to incorporate into their daily life. In addition to losing fat at a steady predictable pace, the protocol works to reduce food cravings, improve energy, and allow participants to naturally control their appetite. The Ideal Protein Protocol, which incorporates one-on-one weekly coaching, has been shown to result in improved blood sugar, reduced blood pressure, and lower cholesterol levels.


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