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Running the Right Way

It happens too often: Runner begins training program, a twinge settles in. Runner stretches, takes painkillers, and keeps training. A few runs later, runner is on the couch, ice pack strapped on. Interchange knee pain, plantar fasciitis, ITB pain, etc. Now what to do about it? 3 simple changes can go a long way. 1 Buy proper footwear: checking length, width, toe box and arch support. Pavement vs. trail running should be considered. 2 A strong body is key to pain prevention. Strong muscles guard against impact, improve form and create a consistent running gait. Muscular balance ensures that one muscle group isn’t straining and working harder to make up for weak stabilizers. Talk to a professional for exercises tailored for runners. 3 Many beginners start out by doing too much, too fast, too soon. Joining a running class/club teaches proper scheduling, heart rate monitoring, hydration and nutrition. Happy Running and good luck Marathoners!

Stacey Bulat BKin-AT CAT(C) Certified Athletic Therapist, Vital Life

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