Community News
Seasonal Allergies on the Rise

Do you suffer from a stuffy or runny nose? What about suffering from itchy, watery eyes, or skin irritations? Do you want to avoid daily use of over-the counter drugs such as anti-histamines, eye drops, and nasal sprays? Allergies occur when the body’s protective Qi (pronounced “chee”) becomes weakened. When this Qi is not functioning optimally, harmful environmental influences are able to invade the body, giving rise to allergies and illness. Acupuncture is a highly effective, natural alternative to strengthen and support the body’s immune system. This is great for the prevention and control of pesky allergies! Consider trying acupuncture for your annoying seasonal allergies and hay fever. You will be pleasantly surprised at the relief you experience once your body’s defenses are back to full strength!

Naomi Johnson,

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