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Self-Care Ideas

Self-Care Ideas When you are Alone at Christmas
• Quality Sleep Routine: Creating a comfortable sleep environment and establishing a bedtime routine to ensure you’re well-rested. It may seem obvious, but it’s something many of us struggle with and can have high-ranging impacts on our physical and emotional health.
• Volunteer Work: Participating in volunteer activities or charitable events. Connection can be so important over the holidays. Volunteering builds community, builds connection, gives back, and decreases isolation.
• Creative Expression: Engage in creative activities like painting, writing, or crafting. This can be a restorative way to express yourself freely and take a break from the outside hustle and bustle.
• Digital Detox: Designate specific times during the holidays to unplug from digital devices. Use this time for present connection (with self or others), engage in activities, or enjoy some quiet moments.
• Nature Walks: Take advantage of the winter scenery by going on nature walks, whether it’s the scenery close to home or in one of our beautiful valleys. Being outdoors and connecting with nature can be recharging and grounding.

Remember that the key to a wellness-focused holiday season is finding a balance that works for you and aligns with your personal preferences and priorities. It’s okay if it looks different to someone else’s.

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