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Self Help for Headaches

Headaches are a common pain that ruins the days of many people. Here’s how to help yourself during a headache. Each should be done for 7-10 seconds and with firm pressure.

1. Take your thumbs or your middle finger and press into the sides of your temple, adding a slight circular motion.

2. Take your thumbs and press into the bridge of your nose, just underneath your forehead. Press towards each other and up into the forehead.

3. With both hands pull your skin just below your eyebrows and hold. Pull away from your face.

4. Press into the sides of your nose and move fingers away from your nose towards your cheekbones.

5. MOST IMPORTANT – drink lots of water. In addition to these, you can use a cold pack or foam roller at the base of the neck. For more help contact your wellness professional.

Trenna Reid, RCRT,

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