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Shoulder Injury Prevention

The shoulder joint with coinciding scapulae and thoracic spine can get complicated with all the different muscles, tendons, and ligaments. When these areas don’t work together, or when one suffers from tissue restriction, you end up with poor shoulder function and the increased likelihood of pain and injury.

There are 3 principles to keeping your shoulder in full pain free mobility, to allow for optimal muscle performance:

  1. Full range of motion through the shoulder joint and thoracic spin.
  2. Scapular stability and motor control to maintain proper shoulder position.
  3. Strength and endurance of the rotator cuff to maintain joint integrity throughout a workout.

A foam roller and lacrosse ball go a long way in maintaining proper mobility. Keep in mind that if the thoracic spine or scapulae are inhibited, it won’t matter how much you stretch the shoulder, so don’t shun these areas.

Rachael Dupuis, Massage Athletica

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