Community News
Sitting is the New Smoking

You might have heard the phrase, “Sitting is the new smoking.” While it doesn’t quite have the same meaning, people say it to emphasize the harmful effects of sitting in a sedentary job all day. A sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk of developing several serious illnesses like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Stuck in your cubicle? Stand up every 30-40 minutes. Take a 1-minute stroll around the office. Stretch your arms, legs, and back. It will promote blood flow and alleviate pressure on the lower back, which adds up over time and eventually leads to chronic back pain. And if you begin feeling symptoms (stiffness, soreness, pain), it’s a warning sign. Get an adjustment from your chiropractor regularly to help correct the problem and ease the pain, as well as for preventative maintenance. Early intervention and consistency of care are the two keys to a successful outcome and a happy life free of back pain.

Dr. Asim Ashique,

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