Community News
Spring Cleaning – A Time for Renewal & Growth

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“Every spring I wait with anticipation for the first crocus to bloom. As a farm girl, the colourful array of flowers was a sign of new beginnings and reminded me of the miracles of nature. The snow has barely melted when these cheery little blossoms of purple appear.”

Crocus blossoms are a magnet for winter weary bees, who are drawn to the rich golden pollen inside each flower. As seniors we become busy little bees as well, anxious to freshen up our houses and yards and welcome the warm sun into our homes.

For over 30 years, Saskatoon Services for seniors have enjoyed partnering with you to give the house and yard a good spring clean. We welcome your call and look forward to the new year of working together.

As seniors, let’s embrace Life’s journey and look for ways to enjoy every day!! Our contribution not only benefits the community but also enriches our lives.

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