Community News
Start the New Year

Why not start your new year off in a way that sets the pace for a balanced life full of joy and sustainable energy? Taking the time to recharge and nourish your self is essential in creating and maintaining an inner balance.

Embodying your Sacred Self: A Day of Energetic Transformation on January 31st is all about quieting down the chattered mind and reconnecting with the parts of ourselves that sometimes gets forgotten and needs attention. Using mindfulness meditations, movement and healing sounds of the singing bowls a sacred space is created to invite people to go deeper into the well within and come out more replenished and relaxed!

A Journey Through the Chakra System on March 19 & 20th connects us to the wisdom of our bodies and our minds using an ancient system to discover how our emotional issues are connected and stored inside.

D’Arcy Bruning-Haid

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