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Strength Training Benefits

Working with weights has many benefits for health that stretch far beyond the needs of bodybuilders and fitness fanatics. Anyone wishing to improve body composition, or feel better in general, should shift their focus away from the mundane treadmill rat race. Weight training, safe for young and old, has been shown to improve state of mind by controlling depression, stress, anxiety, and improving sleep. Increased muscle mass helps with weight loss by increasing resting metabolism, and shapes the body in a way cardio cannot. As we age, it helps maintain bone density, improves joint stability and pain. It also makes lungs and blood vessels more efficient, and improves many markers of disease including cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood glucose. Most importantly however, strength training gives you empowerment, as you become energized and more able, you feel ready to take on anything with new strength you’ve created inside and out.

Krissy Boyd, Girl On A Mission

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