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Do you Suffer Exhaustion & Fatigue?

Do you wake up dreading the day coming on with its responsibilities like an overwhelming wave? The Japanese Acupuncture medical system recognizes that feeling that way can be linked to two possible physiological patterns. One is an immune system weakness, and the other is a low functioning thyroid gland. In both cases, there are Japanese Acupuncture treatment protocols that are painless, effective and very relaxing! Why is it important to address the issue? The Japanese research shows that long term immune weakness leads to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and thyroid gland imbalance leads to adrenal fatigue. Traditional Chinese Medicine herbs such as Ginseng, Astragalus, and Cordyceps can improve the immune functions. For thyroid issues, we often recommend seaweeds such as Kelp. However, please see a Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, who can tailor both the treatment and herbal combination to your unique health needs. (Ref: Kiiko Matsumoto, Strategies, Vol.1)

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