Community News
Summer and Vitamin D

Summer weather has finally arrived, and many of us are enjoying the longer summer days, and spending more time outside. Did you know that even with the summer weather, you might not be getting adequate amounts of vitamin D? Sunscreen can block up to 90% of the vitamin D conversion on sun-exposed skin, and clothing will prevent adequate vitamin D production as well. Individuals with digestive problems and autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosis often require higher levels of vitamin D than the average person does. Vitamin D plays an important role in bone and muscle health, healthy immune function, and good mental health. We live in a climate of extremes, and ensuring you have optimal levels of vitamin D throughout the year is an easy way to support good health. Arranging seasonal, periodic testing and evaluation by your naturopathic doctor will ensure your levels are optimal all year long!

Dr. Cory Storm, ND

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