Community News
Temptations When Grocery Shopping

Have you ever noticed that all of the unprocessed food items are along the perimeter of a grocery store? Produce, dairy, meats, and baked goods, which we need to maintain healthy eating. All of those tempting processed foods are in the middle aisles, and they have tempting displays at the end of aisles to entice us to wander down each one. Do you shop with a grocery list? It’s a good way to buy what you need for the week, and you can always jot down items on sale or ones you might want to try when your budget will allow. Also, have you noticed that some products are not just found in one place, but also on the end of the aisle or even close to the checkout? This can wear down our resolve to stick to the items on our grocery list. It’s all marketing to encourage spending.

Doris Minervini, Abakhan & Associates Inc.

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