Community News
The Beauty of the Season 

Spring is a season that is filled with excitement and anticipation.  Nevertheless, spring can also bring with it added stress.  The thought of warmer weather can cause us to worry about the extra pounds we gained over winter becoming visible.  Or, we might stress at the thought of added hours of yard work to our already-busy schedule.  If you notice yourself beginning to worry about this transition from winter dormancy, give yourself a gentle nudge back into the present moment. On the drive to work in the morning, look for signs of new life on the trees and reflect on the vitality of nature.  Whatever your personal situation, purposefully take a second to reflect on the present moment and challenge your consciousness to reflect on one thing that is wonderful or amazing.  You will find that you can powerfully change your state of mind in an instance and free yourself to capture the beauty of the season.

Terri Czegledi, MA, MFT

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