Community News
The Cold Shoulder 

Spring is around the corner and everything is thawing out. Everything, that is, except your shoulder. Frozen Shoulder, also known as Adhesive Capsulitis, is a common condition where the joint swells and stiffens, restricting shoulder mobility, causing pain. It typically occurs after an injury or from overuse, though can occur without injury too. Here’s the real bummer for you ladies: 70% of all cases occur in women, especially postmenopausal, ages 40-70. It comes on slowly, most people don’t realize it’s happening until it’s too late, yikes! The good news: it’s treatable! With simple range of motion exercises, gentle stretching, shockwave therapy and manual therapy you can “thaw” it; often avoiding surgery. Things to “look for” if you think you have frozen shoulder: shoulder stiffness, limited movement, significant pain with movement, and pain worsening at night. Talk with your therapist/doctor if there’s concerns. Take care of yourself so you’re able to enjoy all your springtime activities!

Stacey Bulat

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