Community News
The Dangers of Stress

Stress, also known as worrying and anxiety, causes or contributes to 85% of all your illnesses. Stress leads to heart attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure, headaches, cancer, depression – basically anything. Today, more than any other time in history, we live in a stressful environment. Your brain cannot tell the difference between whether you are being attacked by a bear or just worrying over something that is not a physical danger. Once stressed, you enter into survival mode and your body produces cortisol for the fight or flight, and your metabolism and body functions change to preserve energy. This makes it very difficult to lose weight. Stress also makes it difficult to think clearly, as you become focused on the problem and not on the solution, which causes a revolving thought pattern. How healthy would we be if we could just learn to control stress or eliminate it altogether?

Sherry Wilkinson,

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