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The Feldenkrais Method 

Our habits help reduce cognitive effort and allow us to focus our attention on other things. Take driving for example, one focuses on the road, while braking and steering becomes habitual. Movement habits that have developed in response to pain, injury, tension and stress can be counterproductive. These habits often inhibit movement, breathing, and create tension in parts of the body needed for optimal mobility and stability. The Feldenkrais Method offers solutions to better functioning by fine-tuning your senses to pay attention to your body while you are moving, working, exercising and resting. Workshops and individual lessons taught by a skilled Feldenkrais Practitioner clarify key areas where habitual movement is hindering function and performance, creating tension and pain. Feldenkrais helps develop sensory acuity, enlisting full body movement connections that can spring board us to easier and better functional movement.

Roxanne Derkson, Registered Massage Therapist, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner

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