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Top 5 Activities for Relieving Stress

Meditation. Whether it’s guided meditation, mindful meditation, or other, find a quiet spot, and spend a min of 10 to 20 minutes a day meditating. If possible, work it into your daily routine first thing in the morning and again before bed! Deep Breathing. Long, slow breaths. This actually helps supply oxygen to the brain, which helps promote a natural state of calm. Visualization works really well with deep breathing. As you are doing the deep breathing, visualize all the stress, all the tension, leaving your body with each breath out. Feel yourself become lighter and more relaxed with each breath in.  Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines breathing, meditation, and physical poses to help you relax and release stress. Exercise whether it’s cardio, strength building, or organized sports, a little can go a long way towards relieving stress and improving your mood. Even if it’s just a 5 to 10 minute walk, something is better than nothing!

Nichole Guthrie, RCRT & Reiki Master/Instructor

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