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Walking: Your First Step to Wellness

Walking is a low-impact and high results activity that is one of the most popular ways for everyone to improve their wellness.

Not only is it one of the first things that you learn how to do as a child, walking remains one of the easiest exercises for most people to do. Aside from a good pair of shoes and some comfortable clothing, walking requires absolutely no special equipment, you don’t need a coach or rely on teammates, and you’ll never be forced into someone else’s schedule. Yet walking has some of the biggest benefits of any activity.

Simply putting one foot in front of the other at a moderate pace can help you maintain a healthy weight, strengthen your bones and muscles, improve your balance, coordination, and mood, and help prevent or manage conditions like high blood pressure or Type 2 diabetes.

Walking just a few minutes every day can pay dividends almost immediately. Studies show that a few minutes of brisk walking can quickly put you in a happier mood, especially if you remember to walk with proper posture.

A good fitness stride is purposeful, with your head up and looking forward, not at the ground. Relax your neck, shoulders, and spine, but tighten your tummy muscles to engage your core. The goal is to feel as if you are standing straight and tall, but not stiffly at attention. For best balance, make sure you are not hunched forward or arched back.

It is good to swing your arms as you walk, with your elbows bent slightly, and even to pump with your arms as you go. Roll your feet from heel to toe as you take each stride, and feel your hips and shoulders swing smoothly. Walking is fun!

When you first go out for a walk, take a few minutes to warm up before pushing yourself. Walk slowly for a little while to get your muscles ready for exercise. A cool-down period at the end of your walk will help as well. Light stretching feels great after a walk and can improve your flexibility also.

Comfortable clothes and shoes will help you to get the most out of your walk. A good pair of walking shoes will last a long time. When it’s time for new shoes, make sure they fit well, give you good arch support, and have a firm heel with a flexible, shock-absorbing sole. A good grip is essential as well.

If you are walking outdoors, make sure you have dressed appropriately for the weather and pick a path that is smooth and well-maintained. You should also wear high-visibility clothing, including bright or reflective colours if you are walking at night.

Don’t let wellness slip away during winter! If cold, dark weather or slippery surfaces are an obstacle, there are plenty of places to get your walk on! Consider finding an indoor track to stay on pace for the colder months.

Maureen Bonar,

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