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Water After a Massage

First off, kneading and working the muscles gets fluid pumping out of soft tissue and into your circulatory system, where it is directed towards the kidneys. You need to replenish all that water, by drinking more water! Secondly, when muscles are tight, the circulation in that area is compromised. When massage releases that tension, and allows for nitrogenous metabolic waste to dump into the system (toxins), drinking water provides your kidneys with fluid to effectively eliminate that waste. Water plays a vital role in nearly every bodily function. Lack of water can cause fatigue, an increase in appetite, mental fogginess, and much more. Water makes up the majority of our body composition. If we want our body to run properly, we need to feed it the essentials, and proper nutrition. Drink water. Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live in.

Chelsea Nault, Soulful Instinct Massage Therapy

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