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Water for Your Healthy Lifestyle

Water is essential for life. It makes up nearly 70% of our body weight and is a vital component needed for the proper operation of many bodily functions.
•Regulates body temperature
•Helps maintain proper muscle tone
•Serves as a solvent for minerals, vitamins, amino acids, glucose and other small molecules, aiding their assimilation into the body.
•Carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body.
•Lubricates the areas around joints
•Aids in digestion of food
•Removes the waste products of our metabolic processes.
•Minimizes urinary tract infections.
•Prevents constipation
•Keeps skin healthy
It’s only natural that you’d want only the purest water possible to quench your thirst and replenish your body, head to toe. Dewdrop® World of Water

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