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What is a Podiatrist?

Podiatrists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of foot problems, specifically, thickened nails, fungal nails, calluses, corns, planter warts and ingrown nails. We can help with orthotics (a device which helps to support or brace a weak or less effective joint). By conducting a “gait analysis’ (biomechanical examination) we can develop a treatment plan. This could be advice on exercise, appropriate footwear, use of padding, insoles, or bespoke custom casted orthotics. We have knowledge of the health problems which have a big impact on feet: diabetes, arthritis, circulation concerns. We can help with wound care, which may be needed with these conditions. Podiatry is not covered by Public Health, and patients are responsible for their fees.

Dr. Gillian Aldous, Aldous Podiatry

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