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What is “Ageism”?

Ageism is the discrimination against an individual strictly based on their age. Ageism is most often thought of as prejudice against older individuals, however there are forms of ageism that affect younger generations as well. Here are some quick definitions, facts, and solutions about ageism. Types of ageism include:
• institutional ageism, which occurs when an institution perpetuates ageism through its actions and policies.
• interpersonal ageism, which occurs in social interactions.
• internalized ageism, which is when a person internalizes ageist beliefs and applies them to themselves.

Ageism comes in many forms. Some examples of ageism in the workplace include:
• refusing to hire people over or under a certain age.
• enacting policies that unfairly privilege one age group over another.
• viewing older people as out of touch, less productive, or stuck in their ways.
• viewing younger people as unskilled, irresponsible, or untrustworthy
• bullying or harassment.

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