Community News
What is Diabesity?

Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes have become worldwide pandemics. They are so common, doctors often refer to them as “Diabesity”. The pandemics prove conventional treatment for diabesity is not working, Counting carbohydrates and calories only is not enough to combat insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. The more overweight we are, the more fertile the ground is for diabetes to develop. The more processed food we ingest, with its colouring, flavour enhancers and hidden sugars, the more our waistlines increase. The less we exercise, the more lethargic our insides get, the more toxic our bodies become. We can halt or reverse this trend personally and globally. By changing daily eating and exercise habits, diabesity can be undone. Is it time for you to take action and control of your life? All it takes is a conscious decision and determination. There is help available to assist you along the way!

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