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What is Kirtan?

Kirtan is a means of finding our way back to the core of our being, to our heart, and to our connection with each other. It is a very simple and powerful way to meditate. It’s effortless and joyful. The music does the work for you as you flow with the melody and rhythm. It is the art of ecstatic chant. You are invited to share yourself on all levels: your joys, your sorrows, your love, and your pain. You can channel them into song; calling out to the creative energies of the Universe for support in gratitude and grievance alike. Based on ancient chants, Kitran has the ability to quiet the mind if listened to with intention. As you sing with each other, you experience a deep connection. When the music stops, your mind is quiet. All are welcome and encouraged to share their voices through this meditative spiritual practice.

Karma Yoga Winnipeg,

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