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What is Presbyopia?

Presbyopia is a condition of the eye, where one loses their ability to focus on nearby objects. It is an age-related problem that typically begins in early 40’s where the crystalline lens within the eye gradually loses the ability to flex, which makes the eye unable to focus light on to the retina. Early signs of Presbyopia include holding objects further away in order to see them, eye fatigue, and headaches. Eyeglasses are the most common way of treating Presbyopia, but they’re not the only option! Today there are many manufacturers of multifocal contacts, which give us the ability to see near and far, that are comfortable enough to help cope with dry eyes. Laser corrective surgery is another great option, where a procedure called Laser Blended Vision is used to achieve vision in all areas and not just distance. To find out which options are right for you, talk to your optometrist.

Dr. Nicholas Catchuk

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