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What IS Whole Healthcare?

Whole Healthcare focuses on addressing the whole-person and their unique story to reveal the TRUE underlying cause of physical, mental, emotional and stress related health issues. Every cell in the body must be in communication with every other cell in the body for us to maintain health. Although the body knows best how to heal and has an innate ability to do so, when communication breaks down within the body due to stress, trauma and genetic tendencies, that ability to self-heal becomes compromised.

BodyTalk is a Whole Healthcare system that enables the Practitioner to uncover and balance the underlying emotions, judgments, thoughts and life factors that have created the issue. BodyTalk seeks to address the “whole person,” meaning no aspect of the human experience should be overlooked. Using muscle checking and non-invasive techniques, the Practitioner helps to re-establish better communication within the body and engages the body’s natural healing response.

The beauty of BodyTalk is that it provides insights into the areas of your body/mind that need attention and in what priority and sequence they need to be addressed. What might seem like an obvious problem to you may be only the surface symptom that is being presented and is not necessarily the issue your BODY needs to have addressed FIRST. Each session is completely individualized for each person.

Every choice, and every experience in your life, has contributed to your current state of health. Each scar, laugh line, and injury has its own piece in your health picture. BodyTalk takes into consideration these pieces that are unique to each client. All aspects of YOU are drawn upon to establish a personalized approach to healthcare that brings about lasting changes and improvements to health, well-being and living.

BodyTalk is designed to integrate all fields of healthcare to create a more whole-istic approach to health and well-being. Ultimately, treatments focused on the symptoms that are being presented and not the whole picture can only bring relief rather than enabling full healing. The real power in healing lies in the discovery of the pieces and factors that are behind the symptoms. The BodyTalk System does this naturally for each individual it serves because BodyTalk IS Whole Healthcare.

Shannon Russell, Certified BodyTalk & Access Consciousness Practitioner, BodyMind Freedom Solutions

Shannon Russell

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