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What’s blocking you?

Did you know your natural state is one of health? Why then, does it seem that so many of us struggle with so many health problems? The problem isn’t you, its interference! Have you tried to drive across Winnipeg lately? You don’t get very far before you are slowed down or stopped by an orange sign or pylon. Your progress halted, frustration/irritation blazing! Then the repairs are completed, the signs are removed and traffic sails along, JOY! You have 70 trillion cells that know exactly what they are supposed to be doing every second you are alive, but something is in the way. The roadblocks holding your health back can come in many forms; stress, nerve interference, nutrition, exercise, and toxicity. When you identify the interference and remove the roadblocks, you will be rewarded with a body that begins to function normally. Remember though, health is a journey, not a destination, when you feel like you’re there – keep going!

Dr. David Newsham, Academy Chiropractic

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