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What’s wrong with my back?!

Back pain is common to many types of injuries and illnesses. However, not all back problems are created equal. One person may have an injury from bending and twisting, while another may have been in an accident. How can you tell when back pain requires you to take action?

Certain situations require immediate attention. For example, if you’ve had an accident, or if you begin to experience severe pain without an obvious cause, seeing your chiropractor is probably the right thing to do. When a person has back pain it is important to make sure there are no “hidden” problems. “That’s been bothering me for months, it’s just back pain.” We hear it all the time! If the problem really wasn’t anything much it would have gone away within a few days! Something else is going on, and usually the longer a physical problem is left untreated the more difficult it becomes to deal with!

Visit your chiropractor today!

Dr. Terry and Dr. Lisa

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