Community News
Who Are You Really?

We all have a private story about who we are. Shame researcher Brene Brown talks about not feeling good enough. She finds she gets caught in moments where she reacts badly because she feels bad about herself – is this familiar? Self-esteem is our story about self. Some lucky people don’t doubt themselves. But others tend to think things like “am I okay?”, or “what is wrong with me?”. We really aren’t sure we’re okay, sometimes. When our self-esteem story is low, we have self-doubt, maybe we blame ourselves, and maybe we aren’t confident in our relationships or at work. You may want to learn to handle bullies, or just to assert yourself. Or maybe you want to be okay with your body image. Counselling can be a safe place to share these feelings, find new ways to appreciate yourself, and rediscover your confidence.

Mary Munro,

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