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Who Are You?

Poets and writers have said the same thing for centuries, “Know yourself, follow your dreams, and live your passions.” It is good advice. However, we live in an “instant” society where we have everything we need literally at our fingertips. Truly getting to know ourselves is not something that happens quickly, and we won’t experience a sense of fulfillment until we know what it is that brings meaning to our lives. Journaling is a good place to start in your quest for self-knowledge. It only requires a few minutes a day, but the important thing is the process (writing requires time because you must slow down and reflect). It’s this time that is largely missing for many of us. So what should you journal about? A good place to start is by looking at your self-concept. Who is the real you and does your life reflect your authentic self? Happy hunting!

Dr. Lori Doan, Ph.D.,

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