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Why Sprout Grains? 

Sprouting is a process that germinates grains, seeds or legumes. This process makes them more easily digestible and produces additional vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, vitamin B and Carotene. Another benefit of sprouting is the resulting decrease in phytic acid. Phytic acid is an enzyme inhibitor, which means that it blocks the absorption of vitamins and minerals and can also cause poor digestion and an unhealthy gut. This may explain why many people feel bloated, gassy or intolerant of beans and grains. Some people who believe that they are gluten intolerant actually do quite well with properly sprouted grains. Some have even linked phytic acid and improperly prepared grains to the rise in tooth decay. If you do eat grains, it’s best to soak or sprout them first. The way that you sprout any grain, seed or legume is the same, only the amount of time you sprout it changes.

Rick Drury

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