Community News
Work Sober

Work Sober – Building a New Life for Recovery is designed to give participants who have been sober for a while, the skills and support to reinforce and strengthen their sobriety. We follow the principles of adult learning philosophies and motivational interviewing to engage our participants ensuring that topics covered meet their current recovery needs and skills. Topics focus on understanding what relapse is or isn’t, knowing and identifying the warning signs, managing triggers and cravings and planning for success. Other topics include: Holiday Season Sane and Sober, Grief and Loss in Recovery, setting Healthy Boundaries, and Dealing with Boredom, etc.

“I’ve always come away with hope and a ‘new’ way to look at a personal problem. Listening to others who are on longer journeys than I, has been so very helpful presenting an issue or possibility – giving us time to react and discuss how we have dealt with this personally, or would like to learn to deal with it. This helped me rebuild relationships with friends and family by showing I can be honest with my church friends, and with my brother about my addiction and my journey. I am grateful I now have a place to go for support in my journey of recovery to a new life.”

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