Community News
Disability Tax Credit: Combating Inflation

The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is a valuable tool in mitigating the impacts of inflation and rising costs of living for individuals with disabilities. By accessing this credit, individuals can receive financial relief that helps them manage their daily expenses. The DTC provides tax breaks for eligible individuals with disabilities, recognizing the additional costs associated with their condition. It offers a means to offset the financial burden imposed by inflation and increasing living expenses, such as medical costs, adaptive equipment, and specialized care. By claiming the DTC, individuals can access much-needed financial support, ensuring their ability to maintain a decent quality of life despite economic challenges.

Importance of Strength Training Over 40

Are you over 40 and ready to get into the best shape of your life? Regular strength training exercises help counteract age-related muscle loss and maintain muscle mass. Incorporating resistance training, such as weightlifting or bodyweight exercises, stimulates muscle growth and strength. It’s crucial to focus on progressive overload, gradually increasing the intensity and challenge of workouts. Adequate protein intake is also vital for muscle repair and growth. Additionally, prioritizing recovery through proper sleep, nutrition, and rest days is essential for optimal muscle development. With consistency and a well-designed exercise program, building muscle after 40 is achievable and can enhance physical performance and quality of life. Scan QR Code To Get your FREE Report: 5 Things To Consider Before Hiring a Personal Trainer

Are You A Mosquito Magnet?

Did you ever wonder why some people are mosquito magnets, while others are hardly bothered? One theory is based on the fact that your skin is a source of elimination. Eat too much garlic, and it will literally come through your pores. If sugars are not metabolized properly, the byproducts must be eliminated, and one of those pathways is the skin. It is believed that mosquitos are attracted to the excess metabolized sugar. Vitamin B1 is known to help the body burn sugars more efficiently, thereby reducing excess sugar coming out of the pores, and your skin from attracting mosquitos. Nutritional testing can reveal if you are lacking B1 and other essential nutrients that are making you a mosquito magnet.

Clean Eating Recipe

Spinach Tofu Smoothie
Add a touch of freshness to your breakfast with this delicious, protein-rich smoothie. It’s a great way of incorporating tofu into the first meal of the day! Ingredients: 3 c. fresh spinach. 2 bananas. 1½ c. chopped frozen mango. 1 c. chopped frozen pineapple. 10 oz. soft tofu. 1½ c. milk or almond/soy beverage. Fresh mint, optional. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Add extra liquid, as necessary. Enjoy! Pair with a serving of whole grains for a complete breakfast!

Words to Live By

There is nothing more you have to prove when you realize that you are already enough. Be kind to yourself today and love yourself for exactly who you are.” Keith Macpherson

Healthy Low-Carb Broccoli Salad

A delicious high-protein salad that’s gluten-free and perfect for summer! INGREDIENTS: 3 cups broccoli, chopped; 1/3 cup red onion, chopped; 3 slices cooked bacon, chopped; 2 tbsp sunflower seeds; 1/2 cup Greek yogurt; 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar; stevia to taste ~1/8 to 1/4 tsp. DIRECTIONS: Roughly chop cooked bacon and add to a bowl with the broccoli and red onion. In a blender, blend the yogurt, apple cider vinegar and stevia. Pour the mixture over the broccoli mixture. Stir to combine, and sprinkle the sunflower seeds on top. Refrigerate 30 minutes prior to serving. Enjoy!

Preventing Lyme Disease

There are several kinds of ticks crawling around Manitoba, including the Deer Tick which is responsible for transmitting Lyme Disease. Avoiding tick bites is the best way to prevent this. Here’s how you can keep yourself bite-free when spending time outdoors: 1) Wear closed-toe shoes, long sleeves, and pants. 2) Walk on pathways, staying clear of heavily wooded areas. 3) Use bug spray with DEET or picaridin. 4) After being outside, check yourself, children, gear, and pets for ticks, bathe, and put all clothes worn outdoors into a dryer for 10-20 minutes. If you find an embedded tick, gently remove it using tweezers by pulling close to the skin, avoiding squeezing the tick.

End the Self-Sabotage

Did you know your unconscious mind could be keeping you from having what you truly want in your life, and could even be sabotaging your best efforts? Most of us don’t realize that we make commitments to ourselves other than the ones we’re consciously aware of. These unconscious commitments fuel your thoughts and behaviours, and create your reality. They are what creates the gap between what you say you want and what you are actually experiencing. For example, when you were young, you experienced a difficult situation and didn’t know how to process it. You made a decision (consciously or unconsciously) to make it mean something about you or the world around you. This formed a belief as a coping mechanism and your mind believed it was necessary for survival. Maybe it’s “I’ll stay quiet so I won’t seem stupid” or “Good girls do what they’re told”. Even though these beliefs and decisions are old, they have stuck with you, been reinforced over time and prevent you from having the things you truly desire. Ready to expose and erase those unconscious commitments and choose new ones? This is the powerful work we do in the Shine True programs.

Lesley Steppler RHN, BSW, RSW | Shine True Wellness

Sound Healing for Better Sleep

Sound healing uses sound and vibration to promote healing and balance in the body, and one of its many benefits is improved sleep. It helps improve sleep by: 1) Relaxing the body – releases pain-relieving chemicals and reduces muscle tension. 2) Reducing stress and anxiety – reduces sympathetic nervous system activity. 3) Calming the mind – promotes peaceful and restful sleep. 4) Improving sleep quality – waking feeling more refreshed and having less difficulty falling asleep. 5) Creating a peaceful environment – helps improve mood. 6) Regulating the circadian rhythm (your internal biological clock) – can help avoid insomnia and improve the sleep/wake cycle.

Physical Activity for Depression & Anxiety

Physical activity should be considered as a first-line treatment for depression and anxiety, according to a scientific review that analysed more than 95 scientific reviews involving 128,000 participants. The study found that physical activity was more effective than counselling or medication in some cases, and provided positive impacts across all studies. Shorter exercise interventions of 12 weeks or less were found to be the most effective in reducing mental health symptoms. The research highlights the need for exercise to be prioritised as a mainstay approach for managing depression and anxiety, particularly as it can make a positive change to mental health quickly. Study found in The British Journal of Sports Medicine –

Considering Getting Dentures?

It’s never too early to start thinking about your dental health and whether dentures are right for you. While most people who require dentures are between the ages of 55 and 64, younger individuals may require partial dentures if they have lost their teeth. If you are experiencing loose teeth, difficulty eating certain foods, or swollen gums, dentures may be a helpful solution. However, it’s important to have a good foundation before starting with dentures, so it’s best to have gum disease treated before beginning treatment. Contact Fast Dentures to discuss your needs and review your options.