Community News
Control Your Destiny

At times, you may struggle to find you meaning. By meaning, I am speaking about your purpose or significance. This could be in a relationship, at work, or in the community. This lack of clarity impacts how you convey yourself and the quality you bring. As a Coach, I partner with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential. We will set goals that are significant, remove any obstacles or barriers to you reaching them, and ensure they are aligned with your values and passion.

Strengthen Your Immune System

As we age, our immune response capability reduces, which can lead to potential infection and disease. Since our body uses food to extract nutrients that prevent disease, it’s important that our diets contain nutrient-rich foods for an overall stronger immune system. Antioxidant-rich foods help fight against free radicals that can cause damage to the body, whereas sugary foods generate an inflammatory response within the body, causing health issues and lowering the immune system. Foods high in antioxidants include berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, goji berries), red cabbage, beans, dark chocolate, pecans, spinach, carrots, and potatoes.

Acupuncture for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder problems not only keep you from doing the things you enjoy but may also make your daily routine daunting and difficult. The fact is, more than 70% of people will suffer the effects of shoulder pain. Acupuncture is an essential pain management approach for relieving this type of pain. Acupuncture can increase blood flow and circulation to your shoulder joint by balancing the electrical gradient in the fascia, nerves, and cells. This medical specialty relieves pain, promotes healing, and increases the production of synovial fluid in your shoulder to encourage smoother movement. Acupuncture is a non-drug therapy being used more and more as it is side-effect-free, safe and affective.

Treat Your Jaw Pain

Clenching and grinding your teeth, whether during the day or at night, is the most common cause of jaw pain. Over time, the heightened muscle activity can lead to trigger points within the chewing muscles that may cause pain, soreness, limited mouth opening, and even headaches. Physiotherapy can provide effective treatment for temporomandibular dysfunction. Your therapist may use a combination of manual therapy, intra-oral massage, dry needling, and home exercises to decrease muscle tone and encourage relaxation. Try to avoid the forward head posture, common when in front of a computer, as it negatively affects the biomechanics of the jaw.

It’s All About Energy

Whether it’s working, playing, eating, or sleeping, our bodies need energy and problems occur when you’re not producing enough. Our bodies need energy to transport the nutrients we digest, to allow our immune system to fight infection, and for our cells to repair and rebuild. Muscles, such as the heart, need lots of energy to function properly. If energy supplies to the brain are low, brain fog, confusion, or apathy can result. One of the best ways to make sure that your body is producing enough energy to function optimally is with nutritional testing. It will determine if any of your energy-producing organs are nutrient deficient and therefore unable to produce the necessary energy for you to thrive.

What’s Your Path to Wellness?

Most of us face health challenges at some point in our lives. As we experience these challenges, we strive to return to wellness but often get overwhelmed with health options or frustrated with advice and approaches that simply don’t work. An Integrative Health Coach helps to sift through wellness options to guide you to the most meaningful health strategies that make sense to you. As your Integrative Health Coach, I draw on a wide knowledge base of diverse healing practices to find the most helpful options that align with your goals and life experiences. What’s your path to wellness?

From Self-Sabotage to Self-Mastery

Our Band of Brothers men’s mentorship group program guides you into making better choices in your life by learning how to heal past wounds to stop hidden patterns that are sabotaging your destiny. This customized transformational program guides you to regain full control of your life by providing everything you need, including a mentorship guide, lesson plans, a goal assessment tool, and monthly one-to-one mentor calls. Start living with clarity, inspired by a deep conviction for who you are and supported by a community of strong, resilient men. Work to fill your life with meaning and purpose once again.

Aromatherapy for Better Sleep

Aromatherapy is often used to relieve stress, but did you know that it can also help with symptoms of sleep disorders? It can be beneficial for insomnia, which sometimes occurs as a result of stress, emotional strain, or psycho-emotional overload. Essential oils such as lavender, ylang ylang, Roman chamomile, bergamot, cedarwood, and marjoram can be used alone or in combination to restore a good night’s sleep. The important thing is that the essential oils be natural and of high quality, since lower-quality and synthetic oils don’t have therapeutic properties and may cause unwanted side effects like allergies and irritation.

Stoking Our Inner Warrior

An inner warrior is someone who has the strength to stand up for what they believe in and speak their truth. Someone who perseveres in the face of adversity and challenge and who acts with integrity despite their challenges. Someone who knows how to love fully and generously shares their love. One way to cultivate the presence of your inner warrior is to choose a role model who embodies the quality of bravery, inner strength and courage. Close your eyes and each day contemplate the quality of energy that attracts you to this person and know this energy lies within you to receive and use fully.

Dentures & Weight Loss

It may come as a surprise to you, but when you lose weight, your clothes are not the only thing that you’ll notice become loose! Your weight loss can affect the fit and suction of your dentures, causing them to be uncomfortable. Weight loss causes changes to your entire body, including your mouth and gums. However, there is a solution: your Denturist can perform a simple procedure called a reline. A reline will “tighten up” your dentures so they fit well, create good suction, and feel comfortable again.

Aromatherapy for Better Sleep

Aromatherapy is often used to relieve stress, but did you know that it can also help with symptoms of sleep disorders? It can be beneficial for insomnia, which sometimes occurs as a result of stress, emotional strain, or psycho-emotional overload. Essential oils such as lavender, ylang ylang, Roman chamomile, bergamot, cedarwood, and marjoram can be used alone or in combination to restore a good night’s sleep. The important thing is that the essential oils be natural and of high quality, since lower-quality and synthetic oils don’t have therapeutic properties and may cause unwanted side effects like allergies and irritation.