Community News
Freedom from Vertigo

Vertigo or spinning feelings can be scary and debilitating. They can be from serious causes, but most often it is a condition called BPPV. This is an easily treatable condition with intense spinning symptoms. It is when naturally occurring inner ear crystals get dislodged and begin floating in areas they don’t belong. With proper diagnosis, this condition is often fully treated in one to three visits. Incorrect treatment, unfortunately, can make the condition worse. An ENT specialist or a vestibular trained physiotherapist can rule out serious causes and give you the treatment necessary to allow you to live symptom-free.

Caregiver Burnout is Real!

The never-ending tasks that are involved in caring for a loved one can play havoc on the caregiver’s personal life, as well as their health. Many caregivers will die before the person with dementia that they are caring for does. It is vital that caregivers take care of their own health by attending their own doctor appointments, eating well, exercising, and spending quality time doing things that bring them joy. Caregivers should also reach out to other family members and professionals with experience caring for a person living with dementia for support, guidance, and help caring for their loved one.

Have a Pelvic Floor Problem?

Common signs and symptoms of a problem with your pelvic floor include:
• Accidentally leaking urine when you exercise, laugh, cough, or sneeze.
• Needing to get to the toilet in a hurry or not making it there in time.
• The need to go to the toilet frequently.
• Finding it difficult to empty your bladder or bowel.
• Accidental passing of feces or wind.
• A prolapse (in women, heaviness or discomfort in the pelvic area; in men, bulging coming out of the rectum)
• Pelvic pain.
• Pain during sexual intercourse.
• Poor sensation or loss of bladder control during sexual intercourse.

Why Avoid Chemical Sunscreens?

1. Some chemical filters are known to cause red rashes, itchy skin, blisters, and red bumps for certain people.
2. They can penetrate your skin and circulate in your body, ending up in blood, urine, and even breast milk.
3. Laboratory studies indicate that some chemical sunscreens may mimic human hormones, which can lead to health problems in those who use it.
4. It’s bad for the environment. Common chemical sunscreens were shown to kill or bleach coral, even at low concentrations.
5. Many chemical sunscreens also contain other unwanted chemicals like artificial fragrances, chemical preservatives, and synthetic polymers.

Yoga for Summer Heat

Yoga can help you cool down with it’s union of physical postures that calm your nerves and breath practices, called pranayama, cooling you from the inside out. Here are two yoga practices to help beat the heat. Forward Fold: You can do this either standing or seated. As you inhale, lengthen your spine upwards. Then, as you exhale, fold from your hips. Allow your spine to round and breathe deeply into your belly. Rest here for 10 breaths or up to 5 minutes. Sheetkari Cooling Breath: Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, just behind your top row of teeth. Breathe in through your mouth – you’ll hear a hissing sound. Exhale through your nose. Repeat this breath 10 times.

More to Life

Do you remember the last moment in your life when you were totally relaxed and nurtured and cared for? Life may seem overwhelming, but what if your choices have created this current reality? How do you even begin to make a change? Let’s start by resetting our brain. The Access Bars are 32 points on your head, when gently touched, release the electromagnetic charge of your thoughts, feelings, emotions and points of views that keep you stuck in this reality. This modality has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. People report better health, ease of sleep, weight loss, better sex and relationships, relief from anxiety, less stress and so much more!

Stay Healthy with Real Food

Many of us eat on the go, but most of the time we don’t think about what we eat! What are we putting in our bodies? Is it real food? Or food full of preservatives that our bodies can’t digest? Start eating real food, before any resulting body pain, fatigue, and illness occur. Eating healthy, real food can also save you money in the long run, helping to keep diseases and conditions at bay. Rather than rely on advertising for convenience foods, do your own research and try to buy fresh, local food whenever possible.

How to Boost Your Metabolism

Are you looking to kick-start your metabolism? Here are a few tips! 1. Build muscle. Your body always burns calories, even when you’re doing nothing. Your resting metabolic rate is much higher if you have muscle. 2. Keep drinking water. Your body needs water to process calories. If you are even mildly dehydrated, your metabolism may slow down. 3. Power up with protein. Your body burns many more calories digesting protein than it does with carbohydrates. As part of a balanced diet, replacing some carbs with lean, protein-rich foods can boost metabolism at mealtime.

Problems with Snoring?

Snoring is a topic that is well known to many of us and our spouses. If you have tried all of the pillows, mouth guards and gadgets advertised, you may want to try these simple suggestions so that you can get a perfect night’s rest. Here are some natural, effective essential oils for snoring. Sage, Thyme, Marjoram, Lavender, and Cedarwood. Diffusers are really a terrific way to use the following essential oils at night time. They are also a practical solution when applied topically. For more information and instructions:

Why Can’t I Put Down My Phone?

Detaching yourself from your phone and truly unplugging can seriously improve your life. While there’s no doubt technology has made our lives easier in many ways (remember roadmaps?), research suggests that our addiction to it is real. Every new notification triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that drives us to seek rewards, so you keep coming back for more. This vicious cycle is taking a toll on our health, mental wellbeing, and relationships. But this habit isn’t entirely your fault. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter—they’ve all been designed to make you repeatedly use them and check back in. Time for a digital detox?

Ride Don’t Hide!

Outdoor exercise is a great way to soak up the sun’s vitamin D, get your blood pumping, and reconnect with your community – all proven ways to boost your mental health. Need some motivation? Join Ride Don’t Hide, Canada’s largest bike ride for mental health! Two routes will take riders through Winnipeg’s beautiful streets. Ride Don’t Hide is for cyclists of all skill levels. Come ride with us to honour the recovery journeys of those living with mental illness and celebrate mental health! For details, visit: