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Benefits of Tuina Massage

Tuina massage therapy makes use of rhythmic compression techniques in different energy channels of the body to establish a harmonious flow of Qi (bio-energy). Tuina uses various hand techniques in combination with acupressure and other manipulation methods. In Tuina massage, that often focuses on the deeper layer muscle and connective tissues. This massage removes the blockages and keeps the energy moving through the meridians, as well as through the muscles and joints. The best part about it is that it relaxes as well as energizes. Tuina is a very effective therapy for stiff neck, sore back, arthritis, sciatica, and muscle aches and spasms. It also helps with stress-related disorders like insomnia, indigestion, and headaches. It can be used to address both internal illness and muscular injuries. If you’re suffering from a physical ailment or looking for an alternative, holistic approach to overall wellness, Tuina massage may be an effective option.

Dr. Li Lin, Brandon Acupuncture Chinese Medicine & Herbal Centre,

Access BARS® – Change with Ease

What if you could change your whole life in just an hour, all while lying down and relaxing? Access BARS® is an energetic body healing process. It is very nurturing and relaxing. At worst you will feel like you have just had the best massage of your life. At best, your whole life can change into something greater with total ease. Having your BARS® run may have so many profound effects like reduced stress and worry and mind chatter, increased energy, elimination of aches, pains and stiffness in the body and elimination of insomnia. Also, helps with depression, Autism, ADD, ADHD, decreased aging, and it can even help you lose weight! Two years ago, I had my BARS® run for the first time. My life changed dramatically! This healing modality has helped me lose 100 pounds, start, and run 3 businesses, improve my sleep, and handle life with ease.

Wendy Omilanow, Access Consciousness Bars

You are Not Alone!

Making the decision to separate is a very hard decision, whether you are the initiator or not. Do you feel like you are alone and nobody can understand what you are going through or what you are feeling? Do you feel as though nobody understands the sadness, heartbreak, anger, and all the other emotions you are going through? Everyone goes through an emotional time during a separation/divorce. But everyone has a unique experience on the roller-coaster ride. You find yourself at a fork in the road and don’t know what path to take in this new phase of your life. A Life Coach can guide you through these changes and help you find your path to happiness. Your coach will help you find balance in your life and guide you to creating the new you. You don’t need to navigate this emotional rollercoaster alone! Kori Gordon, Finding You – Body.

Mind. Soul,

Listen to Your Body

Did you know our bodies are trying to send us messages all day, especially when we are not willing to pay attention to different aspects of our lives? If you are experiencing neck pain, it may be that your body and mind are trying to tell you something. When you have a sore neck, ask yourself who in your life is a pain in the neck. Can you bring more compassion to the situation to soften the tension? Are you sticking your neck out for someone else? Are you breaking your neck to get something done? Is someone breathing down your neck? Were you aware that waking up during the night is an indication that your body is unable to process an issue that could be affecting your life? If you are feeling overburdened, your shoulders will ache. Our bodies are letting us know what parts of our lives require attention.

Inspire You Studio,

Mobilization and Manipulation

Mobilization and manipulation are terms that have become interchangeable. The lack of a clear definition of these terms often results in communication problems and leads to misconceptions. These terms describe passive techniques; that is, maneuvers performed by physical therapists and other qualified health care providers. They may be applied to joints and related soft tissues at varying speeds and amplitudes (ranges), with the primary purpose of increasing joint mobility, normalizing joint function, and reducing pain. Mobilizations are graded, oscillatory techniques that move the joint within its physiologic range of motion, the voluntary range of motion available in a joint. However, a manipulation is a high-velocity, short amplitude (thrust) technique performed at the end of the physiologic barrier. Appropriate selection and safe application of these techniques require extensive training and knowledge of anatomy and pathology by a qualified therapist.

Paula Moreira, B.Sc., BMR.PT., MCISc., FCAMPT, Physio 4U,

Nature’s Embrace

As we spend a third of our lives in bed, choosing the right mattress is one of our most important health decisions. Made with certified organic Dunlop latex, organic cotton and pure virgin wool, Nature’s Embrace mattresses may be the world’s most comfortable, supportive, and health promoting mattress, helping you achieve the mind, body and immune system restoring benefits of deep, uninterrupted sleep. With an industry leading 25 year warranty, Nature’s Embrace mattresses create a hypo-allergenic sleep sanctuary that naturally inhibits the dust mites and bacteria that can cause allergic reactions. The firm yet comfortable natural latex foam cradles and supports sore and tired muscles, helping to alleviate back pain, while reducing the pressure points that cause tossing and turning by up to 80% when compared to mattresses with memory foam or pocket coils.

Nathan Zassman, Aviva Natural Health Solutions,

Love Connection

In today’s fast-paced society finding love can be a difficult task. Technology often replaces human to human contact, and actual socialization has decreased. Many people have resorted to the Internet in attempts to find love. Virtual dating can be a very daunting task with terribly mixed results. There are wonderful, quality, single people, of all ages in Manitoba who are at a loss as to where find love. A Matchmaker is often the answer. Matchmaking is an age-old profession that historically has brought love into peoples’ lives for centuries. An experienced Matchmaker hand picks and presents individuals who have been screened and are suited to their clients often resulting in long lasting love. Placing your heart in the hands of a good Matchmaker should lead to an amazing love connection with someone who is right for you.

Lianne Tregobov, Camelot Introductions,

Vipassana Meditation

Research has shown that meditation can expand the brain, and help people avert stress and disease. One way to achieve this is through Vipassana meditation, a technique that emphasizes mindfulness, with the goal of seeing things as they “really are.” An ancient meditative technique from India, Vipassana was taken up by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) just over 2,500 years ago. Vipassana meditation is the practice of freedom. It is an honest and direct practice: the moment-to-moment investigation of the mind-body process through calm, open, and precise awareness. Learning to observe our experience from a place of spacious stillness enables us to relate to life with a balance of wisdom and compassion. This experience fosters clarity and penetrating insight into the nature of who we are, as well as increased peace in our daily lives.

Brett Scott, Disability Tax Credit,

Something to Sleep On

Daydreaming about better health? Getting 7-9 hours of uninterrupted, deep sleep can help make those dreams come true. Some researchers claim that the health benefits of sleeping are equivalent to those of eating. When daylight fades, our bodies release melatonin, a natural sleep aid/hormone with powerful antioxidant properties that works to: 1) Reduce inflammation; 2) Foster mental and emotional resilience; 3) Boost immune system function; 4) Improve performance and memory; 5) Protect your heart; 6) Prevent cancer. Having trouble sleeping? Here are a few tips to help you nod off: 1) Darken your room. Melatonin release only happens in low light/dark conditions. Blue light from mobile devices, TV’s, etc. inhibits this process. 2) Avoid eating/drinking 2-3 hours before bedtime. 3) Keep a consistent sleep/wake schedule. 4) Engage in moderate to rigorous exercise. If you rarely feel well rested talk to your healthcare provider about natural and medicinal support.

Sean Miller, CMHA MB & WPG,

A Daughter’s Recommendation

Care At Home Pharmacy can help seniors remain in the comfort of their home by having quality care come to them. My parents have greatly benefitted from “visiting pharmacist” Yolanda Yeung’s involvement. She initially developed a medical profile for each of them and made recommendations to their doctor regarding medication changes. She visits my parents’ home weekly to monitor their progress and well-being, and provides their prescriptions and any other pharmaceutical needs, as recommended by their doctor. I am my parents’ primary caregiver but do not live in the city, so Yolanda and I communicate by email. She also regularly communicates with the doctor and nursing service involved with my parents’ care. It is a great comfort to me to know the Care At Home Pharmacy team provides a personalized and reputable service to seniors like my parents and is so willing to partner with other services in this type of care at home model. – Happy Daughter.

Care At Home Pharmacy,

Clean Eating: Lemon Tahini Dressing

This delicious dressing can be used for salad greens or as a sauce over rice, steamed vegetables, and baked potatoes.

2/3 cup plain almond or rice milk

5 tbsp lemon juice

1 clove garlic

½ tsp salt

½ cup tahini

1/8 tsp toasted sesame oil

Place all the ingredients in a blender and puree for 1 minute at high speed. Herbal D-TOX Cookbook for Cleansing by Dr. Terry Willard, CI.H.,Ph.D.