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Add Essential Oils to Your Life

More than just smelling good, essential oils (EOs) are a healthy, safe and effective way to help with many ailments that affect us on a daily basis. Anything from boosting immunity, soothing aching muscles, weight management, to calming your mind, EOs support EVERY system of the body.

What are Essential Oils? Essential Oils are nature’s volatile (evaporate quickly) aromatic compounds generated within shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, and seeds. They are usually extracted through steam distillation, hydrodistillation, or cold-pressed extraction with minimal pressure and heat in order maintain their most beneficial properties.

How do they work? The power of an EO lies within its complex array of chemical constituents. These constituents have the unique ability to penetrate cell membranes and travel throughout the blood and tissues quickly. Not only are the molecules of EOs small but their lipid-soluble structure is very similar to the makeup of our cell membranes which allows them to penetrate more effectively. For example, when topically applied to the feet or other soft tissue, EOs can be absorbed and travel throughout the body in a matter of minutes!

How do you use EOs? We commonly think of EOs in terms of aromatherapy (inhalation), but therapeutic grade 100% pure EOs can also be used topically or diffused into the air with a diffuser. In fact, depending on your ailment, one form of use may be more beneficial than another!

Topically- As mentioned above because of their molecular structure, EOs are rapidly absorbed by the skin. Some EOs can be applied directly to the skin, but for most it’s best to dilute in a carrier oil (grape seed oil, coconut oil, almond oil, coconut oil, etc). If you have a localized issue such as sore muscles or chest congestion, EOs work best when blended with a carrier oil and then applied directly to the area. However, for general health applying the oils to your feet is a great way to absorb the oils into your body. With over 2,000 pores in each foot, they have some of the largest pores on your body and this helps oils absorb faster.

Direct Inhalation- Research shows that when inhaling the pure constituents in these oils, it can stimulate the olfactory receptors and activate regions in the brain’s limbic system associated with memory, emotion, and state of mind. Hence, in less than a second, a scent has the power to activate a number of physical and emotional responses. This causes the pituitary gland to be stimulated and release chemical messages that travel via the blood to your glands and organs that create physical body responses. That is why inhaling the oils can have a great effect on emotions.

Diffuse- Using a diffuser to disperse EOs into the environment will work to purify and cleanse the air of impurities including odours AND germs! It’s nature’s air freshener! But freshening the air isn’t the only useful thing about diffusing EOs, it’s also a great way to absorb an EOs beneficial properties without applying directly to your body! It also covers a wider area so more than one person can benefit from the effects. For example, if you are feeling stuffed up, diffusing Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint by your bedside can help relieve congestion while you sleep and can reduce snoring!

Common Uses for Essential Oils:

Here are the most common and versatile EOs and few surprising uses for them that you probably didn’t know about.

Lavender: The “Swiss Army Knife of essential oils”. Lavender is an adaptogen, and therefore can assist the body when adapting to stress or imbalances. Which is why it’s commonly used as an aid for relaxation. But did you know that it is also a natural germ-fighter and is great for healing wounds and cuts?! Lavender also has anti-inflammatory properties and can help quiet down allergy symptoms.

Peppermint: Most people think of peppermint as purely an uplifting aroma, one doctor Dr. William N. Dember of the University of Cincinnati even studied peppermint’s ability to improve concentration and mental sharpness. But other uses for peppermint include soothing digestion problems or calming heartburn or an upset tummy. Its cooling nature can also bring down fevers. But my favourite use of peppermint is when applied topically to the temples or forehead to relieve headaches!

Lemon: Due to its sunny and citrus smell, Lemon is often considered as a mood booster! But its beneficial affects go beyond smelling cheery! Lemon is a powerful purifier and astringent, great for DIY cleaning products. In terms of health, Lemon contains dlimonene, which is a powerful antioxidant linked to healthy immune system function. Even more, in his book, The Practice of Aromatherapy, Dr. Jean Valnet, M.D. wrote that “lemon is a tonic for supporting the nervous and sympathetic nervous system.” He also stated that the essential oil of lemon acts as a liver decongestant and diuretic and is a powerful body cleanser.

To learn more about Essential Oils and get started with a starter kit that contains these three EOs PLUS 8 other useful oils AND a household diffuser contact Sylvia at 204-720-5348 or

Does Your Pet Have Allergies?

Pilates – How it Works

Pilates is great for strengthening and toning your core and for increasing your flexibility and posture. The moves may look simple but take a lot of precision and control. Areas that Pilates targets are your core muscles and legs with focus on stabilizing and strengthening your abdominals and back. Pilates is great for strengthening and toning your core and for increasing your flexibility, but it’s not a comprehensive strength building program. You will need to supplement it with some other exercises if you want to build up your arm or calf muscles. Talk to your trainer to see what would be best. And don’t forget your cardio, as it won’t fit your needs if you are looking for an aerobic workout. Pilates can be very demanding, so start slowly. Instructors do not have to be licensed, so it’s best to get recommendations before selecting one. Come and join us for classes beginning March, 2017!

Marita Dowsett, B.P.T., Physio4U,

Does Your Pet Have Allergies?

Spring is in the air! Along with all the lovely tree, grass and weed pollens! Allergies are incredibly common in our pets, especially here on the coast, and can be divided into four known categories; Contact, Flea, Food and Inhalant. When discussing inhalant allergies, we can’t forget mold or mildew, and of course our favourite tiny cosmopolitan pyroglyphid, the dust mite! Unfortunately, the clinical signs of all allergic reactions are commonly shared, and in cases tend to overlap, but each type can manifest its own unique characteristics. The most common type of allergy in our region, next to flea contact dermatitis, is the inhalant type, also called ‘atopy’. For reasons obvious to the seasonally suffering human, allergies are just as misery-inducing in our pets. Itchy, raw and irritated skin, watering eyes, nasal discharge, and congestion make up but a few symptoms that should inspire a visit to your veterinarian.

A Pet Lovers Warehouse,

Time for Change

Access Bars – A simple body process that is changing the world. There are two things that will change anything in your life; choice, and Access Bars. The Access Bars are the very core and foundation of Access Consciousness. It can be the starting point of a great adventure and it can be something you add to your life that will assist you in creating a greater ease with everything. Access Bars has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, love making and relationships, anxiety, stress, and so much more. During a Bars session a practitioner lightly touches 32 points on your head over the course of an hour to an hour and a half. Touching the bars allows for the electromagnetic charge that holds thoughts, feelings, and emotions in place to dissipate, allowing you to perceive your life, body and relationships with more clarity and ease.

Wendy Omilanow, Access Consciousness Bars®

Effective Relief for Indigestion

Indigestion can be caused by a number of factors, including our external environment such as being exposed to cold or damp conditions; our diet, emotional upset, overwork and a constitutional or genetic weakness that can make a person prone to digestive disorders. These factors can over time weaken the stomach and disrupt the digestive system’s normal functions. Acupuncture can be very effective in helping to resolve the symptoms of indigestion. Treatment can help the stomach to better digest food and move it through the digestive tract so that the stomach and other digestive processes are functioning properly again. It can also help to relieve pain, nausea, and bloating that often accompany this type of digestive condition. Indeed, like many digestive disorders, acupuncture is an excellent option for resolving indigestion and getting you back to your regular self.

Dr. Li Lin, Brandon Acupuncture Chinese Massage & Herbal Centre,

Develop a Growth Mindset

Improved resilience and a deep sense of empowerment are two of the main benefits of cultivating a growth mindset. Possessing a growth mindset means that one doesn’t worry about not having a specific skill or knowledge set because through effort and repetition, they can be developed and obstacles can be overcome. Failure is accepted as part of the process, and collaboration is welcomed. Having a fixed mindset, on the other hand, causes over-identification with one’s intelligence or talent, leading to a preoccupation with being recognized for these gifts. Praise, rather than personal satisfaction from a job well done becomes the desired goal, and threats to one’s identity, such as criticism or comparison, can lead to a fear of failure and a lack of motivation. If you are looking to create positive change, start by reflecting on your mindset. It holds the key to your success.

Brent Tocher,

You Are What You Think You Are

Your mind is a very powerful thing, and most of us take it for granted. What if you could change your thoughts? What if you can be, do and choose to be anything? We’ve learned very early in life that judging ourselves is the “right” thing to do. We have learned that things are either good or bad, right or wrong, black or white. All of these are judgments that limit our possibilities. It is time for something different! It is time to have kindness towards ourselves that we always hoped someone else would have towards us. If you are not willing to be that kindness for you, you can’t receive it from others. Choose consciousness and create the true you.

Kori Gordon, Finding You

MB Hydro Offers Many Ways to Save

MB Hydro Offers Many Ways to Save Did you know that Manitoba Hydro offers a low-interest loan on solar thermal heat for your pool or hot water tank or infloor system? You can have a loan for up to $7500 this will not cover the whole system but can cover a lot of the cost. This can be paid right on your hydro account monthly, while you enjoy the savings of the solar thermal system. Did you know 1 manifold of 30 tubes can provide up to 7500 BTU of heating during peak hours of sun? Converted to kw is about 7kw’s of energy you are saving per hour when it is running. Solar thermal can dramatically reduce the amount of energy you consume! The Manitoba Green Energy Tax Credit can be applied in the year you purchase your solar thermal you get 10% of the cost back on your income tax.

Lorena Mitchell, President, Evolve Green,

Positive Mental Health is a Laughing Matter

While living with mental illness is no joke, laughing for positive mental and physical health seriously works. In fact, evidence supports the claim that a joyful heart provides a similar benefit to that of medicine. Although not considered a replacement for medical treatment, some doctors are using laughter as an adjunctive therapy. In the short and long term, laughter has been shown to, 1. Stimulate/boost the immune system; 2. Alleviate pain; 3. Reduce anxiety and stress; 4. Reduce depression; and, 5. Promote a sense of hopefulness. What if you don’t feel like laughing? No problem, fake it until you make it. Physiologically speaking, for the most part, your body doesn’t know the difference. And, faking it often leads to the real thing which may be exactly the health supplement you need to get to the positive side of negative circumstances.

Sean Miller, Canadian Mental Health Association,

Book Club: Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear!

Empowering author Elizabeth Gilbert asks us to embrace our curiosity and let go of needless suffering. She shows us how to tackle what we most love, and how to face down what we most fear. She discusses the attitudes, approaches, and habits we need in order to live our most creative lives. Whether we are looking to write a book, make art, find new ways to address challenges in our work, Big Magic cracks open a world of wonder and joy.

Did You Know?

Blue corn has been popping up as an ingredient everywhere from tortilla chips to breakfast cereal. New research suggests that anthocyanins, the nutrients that give the corn its blue color, may help protect against metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer!