Community News
Ask your Dentist

Should you leave your dentures out at night?  Simple answer is yes.  If you cannot bear to go to bed toothless, then you must be ten times more careful to keep your dentures absolutely clean.  Brush dentures with soap or a denture cleaning paste.  Regular toothpaste is too abrasive for denture acrylic and will cause premature wear.  Brush over a sink full of water; that way, if you drop the denture, it will go splash instead of crack.  Brush your gums where they are in contact with the denture.  If they are sore or bleed then you must leave the dentures out overnight.  Soak the dentures in a cup of water with a couple of tablespoons of household bleach at least once or twice a week.  This will not harm the denture.  It will kill bacteria and spores and remove stubborn stains.  If your gums are sore or bleed for any length of time, please go and see your dentist.  You can always get new dentures; new gums are more of a challenge.

Dr. George Cadigan,

10-Point Risk Assessment 

When do you know it’s time to get a medical alert system in your home? Take this short assessment to find out! If you answer “yes” to most of these, maybe it’s time to consider one!  Are you over the age of 55? Do you live alone? Do you lead an active lifestyle? Do you use a cane, walker or devices to assist you in walking? In the past year, have you fallen or been at risk of falling inside or outside the home? Do you take daily medication? Have you been hospitalized in the past 3 years? Do you sometimes feel weak or dizzy? In the past 12 months, have you been concerned about falling in the home? Is it important for you to continue living independently? With a medical alert unit, you can have peace of mind knowing that at any time, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, help is available at the push of a button.

Acupuncture for Menopause

Many menopausal women complain that “hot flash” is too mild a word for an experience that they say is more like jumping into a fire. Hot flashes can include feelings of intense heat, profuse sweating and rapid heartbeat. Fortunately, a new study suggests that acupuncture may help to reduce the severity and frequency of hot flashes with regular treatments. The most effective treatment for hot flashes is hormone therapy – the use of medication that contains estrogen or progesterone. However, such treatment can increase the risk of other health conditions, including stroke, heart disease and cancer. Many women also experience unwanted side effects from hormone therapy. This is why Acupuncture works so well as an alternative treatment. If you’re a woman experiencing painful hot flashes, give acupuncture a try!

Ling Zhao,  Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCM.P.) (CTCMA); C.M.D., Dr.Ac (CMAAC), Registered Massage Therapist (MTAM)

Get Even With Your Bra! 

For a woman who receives a breast cancer diagnosis, many things may go through their minds. If a mastectomy or a lumpectomy is required, there are alternatives to reconstruction. If reconstruction is not immediate, for the interim, there are options. A breast form or breast prosthesis can provide a balanced silhouette for all women. If a lumpectomy is required and your breasts are slightly uneven, or even a cup size different, Amoena partial shapers provide balance and confidence. The Amoena partial shapers are soft and natural looking, no one will know that you are wearing a partial breast form. They are made with Comfort+ technology, which allows you to stay warm or cool depending on your own temperature. Amoena partial forms and full breast forms are easy to wear, they simply slip into your bra to provide a smooth and symmetrical shape. Get even today!

Tara Torchia-Wells,

Your Hair Needs Vitamins!

Did you ever wonder the impact of nutrition on your hair health? The results of a balanced, nutritionally-sound food plan are always obvious. We find poor nutrition impacts speed of hair growth, quality of hair and speed of the shedding cycle. Have you ever been on a crash diet? Ever noticed your hair was dull and lifeless? All side effects of poor nutrition. Once your nutrition gets better/ideal, your hair/skin/nails become strong and vibrant. Is it possible to ALWAYS eat perfectly? No. Capilia has recently launched their Vitalia tablets; uniquely designed with collagen and biotin, these nutritional supplements are ideal for hair growth.

Medication Reviews

Most people are aware that prescription medications can interact with each other, sometimes causing adverse side effects. However, over the counter products such as vitamins or herbal products can also interact with prescription medications – these interactions can potentially change the effectiveness of the drug and lead to harm, such as a fall. This in turn can lead to an emergency room visit or hospital stay. If you are on prescription drugs, it is important to have a discussion with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any over the counter products to ensure you are taking the right products at the right times. A pharmacist can also conduct a full medication review with all your prescription and over the counter products and advise you on safe medication use. If you are on a complex medication regime, a visiting pharmacist can help you monitor the effects of your medication in the comfort of your home.

Care At Home Pharmacy,

Garcinia Cambogia Fruit

An incredibly efficient fat burning ingredient, Garcinia Cambogia has received much media attention for it’s effect on weight loss and food consumption control. This pure ingredient is 100% natural; it is sometimes referred to as Tamarind, and it grows primarily in the lush green mountains of India, southeast Asia as well as in Central Africa. Its primary ingredient is the dietary super supplement known as HCA, which is proven in scientific studies to stop hunger in its tracks. The tamarind fruit has traditionally been used in soups as appetizers before meals, because of the smaller portion sizes due to limited amount of food. It’s appetite suppression qualities helped make villagers feel more full (satiety) and the fruit would increase the workers’ fat burning skills (thermogenesis) providing an increase in energy and productivity.

Greg and Bridget Doll,

Clean Eating: Quinoa “Breaded” Chicken Strips 


Use organic products.
3-4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips,
⅔ cup flour,
1 tsp sea salt + ¼ tsp pepper,
3 eggs + 2 Tbsp water,
2 cups cooked quinoa.


Preheat oven to 425 degrees and grease a baking sheet with Coconut Oil or Butter. In a small bowl whisk flour, salt, and pepper. In a second bowl whisk eggs and water. Place quinoa in a third bowl. Dredge chicken in flour mixture, then eggs, and lastly in the quinoa being sure to coat well.  Bake for 20 minutes until chicken is cooked. Serve with your favorite healthy dipping sauces!

Book Club: The Lucky Years 

How to Thrive in the Brave New World of Health. Bestselling author David Agus unveils the new world of medicine, one in which we can take control of our health like never before and doctors can fine-tune strategies and weapons to prevent illness. In this bestseller, he builds on that theme by showing why this is the luckiest time yet to be alive, giving you the keys to the new kingdom of wellness.

David Agus,

Diabetes & Alzheimer’s Disease 

Research shows a link between Type 2 Diabetes and an increased risk for Alzheimer’s Disease. High levels of insulin, insulin resistance and high blood sugar are hallmark features in people with Type 2 Diabetes. These features are associated with low grade inflammation in the body and brain. New research links inflammation with protein abnormalities in the brain called beta amyloid plaques and tau-protein tangles. Current hypothesis is that the presence of these 2 neurotoxic proteins is associated with a loss of nerve functioning that presents itself as Alzheimer’s disease. Studies suggest that controlling or preventing type 2 Diabetes can reduce the risk or severity of Alzheimer’s Disease later in life. Struggling with Diabetes or know someone who is? A few sessions with a Diabetes Educator can help lower blood sugar levels and lower risks of toxic effects on the body and brain long-term. You can manage diabetes instead of diabetes managing you!

Mathilda Prinsloo,

8 Ways to Radiant Skin

1) From the holistic perspective, feeding yourself quality ingredients is the way to look and feel your best.
2) Talk nice to yourself. You are already a beautiful creature! When you know this from the heart, it shows on your skin. That kind of confidence cannot be bought.
3) Get to know yourself spiritually, you are part of limitless potential and you can do whatever your heart desires.
4) Believe in who you are.
5) Feed yourself with good books, music and loved ones.
6) Go into nature and take deep breaths. Sit and breathe, walk your dog and breath, ski and breath, do something to calm the mind and get oxygen into the body.
7) Take time for you.
8) Eat healthy, get exercise, and do not over do anything.

Lori Cohen, Optima Organics,