Community News
Clean Eating: Spicy Hummus

Place ½ cup of roasted sesame seeds, squeeze ½ lemon, 1tsp sea salt and ¼ cup olive oil in a food processor.

Blend until paste.

Add 5 cloves crushed garlic, ½ tsp cayenne pepper, 2 Tbsp chili flakes, ½ tsp black pepper, squeeze in the other ½ lemon, and 1 can drained & rinsed organic chickpeas.

Blend and slowly add approx. ¼ cup water to desired consistency.

Garish with paprika.


Ask The Expert

What is channelling?  Channelling is the ability to connect into higher consciousnesses to those that are in non-human form (angels, spirit guides), and to be able to hear their messages.  Many people do not believe channelling is a legitimate ability and I too, would believe it was a farce if it weren’t for the day nine years ago when I accidentally heard Archangel Michael give me explicit instructions to pass on to a client.   A cynic myself, it was hard to deny the authenticity as my client confirmed it was ‘bang on’.  I of course did consider that perhaps I was schizophrenic or ‘hearing voices’ but soon realized that the voices were from loving guides who simply wanted to help us here on earth to have a better experience.  Over these many years, my cynicism has turned to gratitude as I become a better person from their teachings.

Maureen Becker, Source Within

Canine Astraphobia

As we head into summer, we know thunderstorms are heading our way. Thunderstorms can be beautiful to watch, however, your dog may not have that same positive perspective. Did you know that 20% of dogs have a fear of thunderstorms, also known as Canine Astraphobia. It can be heart breaking to watch our dogs suffer from this. Some dogs will seek out bathrooms with metal piping or metal tubs. The thought there being there may be a static charge in the air that is decreased by the metal. There are tools on the market and medications that may help. Working with a Canine Behavioural Consultant can help you work with your dog ahead of time, before thunderstorm season comes to form a protocol consisting of desensitization and behavioural modification designed specifically for you and your dog.

Shalin Hustad, Grassroots Canine

Feeling Stressed?

70% of doctor visits are said to be stress related. Disturbances in your mental well-being can have a serious impact on your health. When you are under stress your body releases a hormone called cortisol at very high amounts. The long-term effects of high cortisol levels can be quite disruptive. High levels not only make you feel fatigued, they are also implicated in weight gain, poor immune response and a greater risk of developing chronic illness. While it is not easy to avoid stress, nature has provided us with nutrients that can decrease cortisol levels and balance other hormones. One of the best medicinal plants that can help achieve this is Rhodiola Rosea. The brand name, Rhoziva™, is becoming a favourite of many naturopathic and medical doctors who are noticing its benefits. If this sounds like something you could benefit from, visit Nutrition Plus to receive your free trial pack.

Nutrition Plus

The Unexpected Gift

As a cancer survivor, I understand how difficult the experience can be. First, you are dealing with a devastating diagnosis and the uncertainty of what the future may hold. On top of all the doctor appointments, there is the challenge to find products and services that are safe. For women, hair loss may occur and one might want a wig or a scarf to wear. During radiation, one’s skin may become hypersensitive; soothing skin care is required, but you don’t know where to find it. Visiting a number of places to find what you need is a struggle. Opening at the end of June, there will be a compassionate and convenient location, a one-stop shop, to find all your needs. From specific skin care lines created for cancer patients, non-toxic and non-carcinogenic cosmetic and nail care lines, wigs, prosthetics, and mastectomy clothing lines, safe aesthetics, massage, lymphatic drainage, and other supportive programs.

Tara Torchia-Wells

Manitoba Made: Summer Outdoor Spray

Survive Summer Outdoor Spray. Created to keep you cool and refreshed during the heat of summer with NO harsh chemicals! A delightful blend of essential oils, soy bean oil and Aloe Vera Juice! Simply spray on to exposed skin and massage well. Soy bean oil has been endorsed by Health Canada as an effective bug repellent and it also contains a natural SPF factor of 15. Great for camping, golfing, sitting around the outdoor fire, hiking and anytime you are outdoors! The essential oils help to keep the skin cool, decrease perspiration and can limit oil production of the skin. Safe for children and pets!

Sue Mazur

Alternative Healing

The body achieves what the mind believes. Unfortunately, this popular expression is very true. In today’s society, ideas such as the Law of Attraction suggest that focusing on something that you want will bring the desired effect. Unconsciously, what we think, we create. An old proverb states: “Be aware of your thoughts, they become words. Be aware of your words, they become actions. Be aware of your actions, they become habits. Be aware of your habits, they become your destiny. Be the creator of your own destiny.” -Lao Tzu. At one point my journey through life, I believed that I was unworthy. This ultimately got me to change my ‘stinking thinking’. Along the way, I managed to turn things around to become a therapist who empowers clients to integrate body, mind and spirit. I am grateful to my teachers who showed me just how special I truly am!

Monique Dorge, MML Consulting

Wellness Tip

Try Tea Tree Oil – For athlete’s foot, reach for tea tree oil, an extract of the leaves of an Australian tree. It appears to have antiseptic properties and may work as well as or better than over-the-counter antifungal products. Apply a light coating of the oil to affected areas two to three times a day; continue for a week or two after symptoms disappear.

Sandy Lefley, Juice Plus

Giving Back: Manitoba ALS

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) otherwise known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease or Motor Neuron Disease (MND) is a fatal, rapidly progressive neuromuscular disease that affects approximately 3,000 Canadians and more than 289 Manitobans. Over the past twelve years, the Manitoba Walks for ALS have raised over $1.5 Million dollars to help support Research, Client Services and Education for Manitobans living with ALS/MND. Last year’s event in Winnipeg was a huge success with more than 1600 people participating, helping to raise over $210,000. This year’s goal is $250,000. Visit our website to register as an individual, team or just sponsor someone in the walk on June 20. Your donations allow the ALS Society of Manitoba to lend equipment and learning resources, and to offer services such as support groups, client services coordination, caregiver days, and more.

Clean Eating: Sweet Potato Brownies

A healthy alternative; Gluten free, not much maple syrup and full of a vegetable. What’s not too love?!


1 large sweet potato, peeled and cubed
150g dark chocolate (or use raw cacoa poweder and 100g coconut oil)
50g coconut oil melted
100 ml maple syrup
2 eggs
100g ground hazlenuts or almonds
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp. (pref raw) cocoa powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon or cardamom


Preheat oven to 325ºF. Steam the sweet potato. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt over a saucepan of hot water. Drain sweet potato and mash well, set aside to cool. Take choc off heat and add melted coconut oil and maple syrup. Stir chocolate mixture into sweet potato mash, then add all the other ingredients. Bake in a lined tin for approx. 30 minutes. Allow to cool and cut into squares.

Kalee Mund

Looking for Help? Local Products & Services?

Are you looking for someone to help you with your health issues and don’t know where to turn? Are you looking for NEW health, wellness, lifestyle and business solutions? Locally grown organic foods? Products made in your province? How do you know who is right for you? Welcome to the home of Wellnessnews – Choices for Healthy Living™ – comprehensive Health and Wellness Directory. Our goal is to develop a resource that will serve as a gateway for holistic and eco-friendly ideas, products and services! This newly launched DIRECTORY is showcased on the website. Utilize this free guide and check back daily for your Community Based local businesses! We are an expanding local organization representing holistic professionals, practitioners and businesses. We encourage and promote healthy living, and support the professionals and businesses that make it possible. Together, we can make a difference!