Community News
Newest Way To Lose Fat

Zen Bodi™ created a product that will melt the fat away. Fat cells produce a vital messenger called Leptin. Leptin is the most powerful hormone that communicates to the brain that it no longer craves food, and tells the body when to start burning fat cells as energy. However, the problem starts when the fat cells begin releasing an inflammatory molecule called C Reactive Protein (CRP). CRP fuses to the Leptin molecules and blocks the brain messenger so that it tells the body it’s full. The metabolism is no longer balanced and the body goes into chaos. Zen work together to promote fat loss, control appetite and hunger, burn body fat, build healthy muscle, support healthy cholesterol levels, promote healthy intestinal function and support a healthy immune system. Make this the year you take control of your weight loss by losing the fat, keeping it off and still maintain the muscle.

Jeanette Fast

Feeling Stressed?

70% of doctor visits are said to be stress related. Disturbances in your mental well-being can have a serious impact on your health. When you are under stress your body releases a hormone called cortisol at very high amounts. The long-term effects of high cortisol levels can be quite disruptive. High levels not only make you feel fatigued, they are also implicated in weight gain, poor immune response and a greater risk of developing chronic illness. While it is not easy to avoid stress, nature has provided us with nutrients that can decrease cortisol levels and balance other hormones.

One of the best medicinal plants that can help achieve this is Rhodiola Rosea. The brand name, Rhoziva™, is becoming a favourite of many naturopathic and medical doctors who are noticing its benefits. If this sounds like something you could benefit from, visit Nutrition Plus to receive your free trial pack.

Did you know?

Canadian health data shows that 3000 Seniors die each year due to problems related to their medications, 88% of which are preventable. 18% of seniors who are admitted to the Emergency Room are because of problems with medications and seniors who take more than 4 medications are at risk of falling. It makes perfect sense to have your medications looked over by an expert who is trained to identify and address medication issues, eliminate unnecessary one’s, find safer alternatives, advocate for you at your doctor and simplify your medication list that will make you thrive! “When it comes to medications, less is more”, states Mathilda, Senior Care Practitioner.

A caregiver recently commented: “Thank you for giving me back my mom who I almost lost to overmedication.”
Another claimed: “You have saved my life!”

If you are dissatisfied with taking multiple medications or concerned about overmedication of a loved one,
call Mathilda Prinsloo at 204.996.3741 or contact her on

Book Club: Disease-Proof

by David L. Katz, MD, MPH.

The skills you need to slash your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and more—by 80 percent. Though we may not realize it, our behaviour has tremendous effects on our health, well-being, and even gene expression.

In Disease-Proof, renowned preventive medicine specialist Dr. David Katz reveals that we can reduce our risk of any chronic disease:

  1. Choose wisely from different classes of macronutrients (complex carbohydrate, lean protein, and healthy fats).
  2. Create a healthy plate with the proper ratio of foods – half veggies, one-quarter whole grains or a starchy vegetable, one-quarter lean protein.
  3. Exercise portion control so you don’t accidentally overeat.
  4. Figure out how to satisfy your emotional needs without food by doing something else that soothes or excites you.
  5. Get in the right frame of mind before you eat and expect to be satisfied by a reasonable amount of food.
Kalee’s Golden Milk Recipe

Creamy, faintly sweet, fragrant, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, deeply nourishing, warming and perfect for cold winter days.


½ tsp Turmeric powder or fresh turmeric root
¼ tsp Ginger powder or fresh ginger root
½ tsp Cinnamon powder
¼ tsp Cardamom powder
1 or 2 Dates, chopped
2 tsps. Ghee (clarified butter)
1 cup of Milk of your choice (make sure its good quality, organic milk or nut milk, best thing to do is make your own nut milk to insure no unwanted additives)


Pour the milk (whichever you choose) into a saucepan and add the spices, dates and ghee. Turn the heat to med-high and warm the ingredients together until little bubbles begin to creep up the sides of the pot. Turn off the heat and cover the saucepan for about 3mins allowing it to steep. Pour into a cup and serve warm.

Note: there should be no need to add any other sweetener as the dates will have sweetened the milk while warming. But if you do need to add some honey.

Giving Back – Turning Leaf

At Turning Leaf, we’re seeing people differently. We see that man on the street, disheveled, dirty, talking to himself, asking for money. Many see just a homeless, mentally ill panhandler.

We see Albert. A brother, and a son. We’re committed to people like Albert and to his family.

Turning Leaf (Inc.) is dedicated to providing crisis intervention and treatment services to youth and adults experiencing intellectual challenge and mental illness. Turning Leaf is compassionate, trained people helping those vulnerable and marginalized while they struggle with the seemingly insurmountable obstacles of homelessness, poverty, victimization, isolation, and loneliness. With services throughout Manitoba, Turning Leaf offers those that are hurting with housing, addictions treatment, women’s shelters, and counselling. These services all work tirelessly to make lasting relationships, support healthy change, and, above all, share hope.

Visit or call 204-221-5594 to hear more about how we see people differently … and how you can too.

Newest Way To Lose Fat

Zen Bodi™ created a product that will melt the fat away. Dr. V. Giampapa took 2 years to develop his formulation. Fat cells produce a vital messenger called Leptin.

Leptin is the most powerful hormone that communicates to the brain that it no longer craves food, and tells the body when to start burning fat cells as energy. However, the problem starts when the fat cells begin releasing an inflammatory molecule called C Reactive Protein (CRP). CRP fuses to the Leptin molecules and blocks the brain messenger so that it tells the body its full. The metabolism is no longer balanced and the body goes into chaos.

Zen Shape, Zen Fit, and Zen Pro work together to promote fat loss, control appetite and hunger, burn body fat, build healthy muscle, support healthy cholesterol levels, promote healthy intestinal function and support a healthy immune system. Make this the year you take control of your weight loss by losing the fat, keeping it off and still maintain the muscle.


Health Spotlight

Did you know? Canadian health data shows that 3000 seniors die each year due to problems related to their medications, 88% of which are preventable. 18% of seniors who are admitted to the Emergency Room are because of problems with medications and seniors who take more than 4 medications are at risk of falling.

It makes perfect sense to have your medications reviewed by an expert who is trained to identify and address issues with medications, advocate for you at your doctor, simplify your medication list and help you to thrive!

“When it comes to medications, less is more”, states Mathilda, Senior Care Practitioner. A client recently said: “Thank you for giving me back my mom who I almost lost to overmedication”.


Ask The Coach

Stressed and Confused asks: “I am so busy with life that I sometimes can’t remember things. It feels that if I have more stress in my life, I can’t seem to remember anything! Does this make any sense?”

Coach Gina Responds: “If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Stress is a result of toxic thinking. Your thoughts turn to memories, which are physically built into the nerve networks in your mind. Stress causes the wrong quantities of chemicals to be released into the body and can distort the DNA of the immune cells. With an increased amount of cortisol, your thoughts and memories in the brain shrink. When this stress chemical returns to a normal amount, your memories return. Entertaining negative or toxic thoughts, causes stress and memory loss. Conversely, entertaining positive or creative thoughts causes the proper amount of cortisol to release and calm remains, maintaining memory and encouraging a content state of mind. Guard your thoughts …and keep them! Be Well and ABOUND.


How’s your posture?

Sitting at your desk reading this right now? How long have you been sitting for? Is your neck or back feeling tight and achy?
Let Prairie Trail Physiotherapy help you with that!

Today’s society involves prolonged postures, which can put stress and strain on certain muscles, leading to pain and tightness. During these sustained positions, some muscles get long and weak, while others get short and tight. A skilled physiotherapist can perform a full assessment, determine which areas may be leading to your less than optimal posture, and develop a treatment plan to enable you to withstand the physical stresses of your work day.

Call or visit to book an appointment today.

Learning a musical instrument is good for your health?

Yes, you read that correctly! Learning a musical instrument – whether it a flute, percussion, or voice – is about more than learning to read notes on a page. The process carries along with it many benefits for your physical and mental health. First of all, playing an instrument unites the right and left sides of the brain like no other activity as it activates your auditory, language and memory functions all at the same time. Singing, along with many other musical activities, also involves considerable breath control.

As in yoga, the deep breathing has a great calming effect on the body in addition to supplying oxygen to your cells. And, what’s more, mastering a skill and cultivating the discipline to progress as a musician creates positive habits and develops a sense of confidence that can benefit you in all areas of your life. So, if you’ve never tried it before – and even if you have – consider taking some music lessons or join a musical group for fun. You won’t regret it!